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Training and Coaching™

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Chicken Stimulus Packages

• Poultry & Garden Clubs

• Master Backyard Chicken Keeper™ Certification

• Coop Corps

• Chicken Have-More Plan

• Egg Sheds

• 7 Myths of Urban Chickens

• The Chicken Underground—A Strategy for Those Who Want Flocks Where They Are Illegal.

• Legalize Chickens Strategies

• The Chicken Ticket: A Guide for Politicians

• Model City Chicks Law/Code/Ordinance and Useful Flyers

• Chickens as Bio-recyclers & Zero Waste Partners Saving Tax Payer Dollars

• Chicken Skill Sets

• Occupy Backyards Declaration

• Chickens in Community Gardens & Congregational Flocks

• USDA "Expects You to Keep Chickens" Posters


The Art & Practice of Incubation, Brooding & Educating Chicks
Suitable for Home, School and Science Projects

incubation guaranteeThis is the first EVER ON-LINE, LIVE incubation, brooding and educating baby chicks course that combines artificial and natural ways. Students practice incubation and managing broody hens real time—at their home or school—along with the instructor.

Incubation ability is one of the critical keys to local and heritage poultry sustainability. Artificial and natural (sitting hens) can be confusing. There are many "beliefs" about incubation and broody hens that are based upon: "this is the way it's always been done". These traditional ways are not necessarily the best, nor the easiest for both the hen and the eggs.

Students incubate eggs at home or in their class room, and manage broody hens (if any) in tandem with the class so there is real-time, in-sync instructions with the incubating and broody hen process.

Join in this course on the amazing discovery of embryo life in the shell, and the chick-hood transformation during the hen home school.

During this course, students are instructed and coached through the entire processes of:
• Selecting eggs
• The incubating process both artificially and with broody hens.
• Broody hen management & feeding.
• Hatching eggs (pipping).
• The critical first week of chick-hood.
• Chick nutrition for optimal health.
• Primary chick health care.
• Chick-ability and why you must understanding it as a life or death matter.
• Superior nutrition for baby chicks.
• Chick primary health care.
• Educating baby chicks.
• Grafting baby chicks onto mama hens.
• When chicks are ready to go out-side.
• Integrating chicks into your flock.

Learn incubating and brooding skills that will serve you a lifetime and give you the ability to maintain a self-perpetuating flock for yourself and your community. Facilitated by Patricia Foreman.

Qualified as an advanced course for the Master Backyard Chicken Keeper Certification and Diploma.



• Convenient access of on-line training from wherever you are with a computer or phone.
• Advanced GoToTraining format with cam video.
• Class notes with copies of all slides for clear understanding of concepts, designs and systems.
• 24/7 replay of class sessions.
• Real time video streaming and chat during class.
• Chat room opens 1/2 hour before class and remains open for Q&A and student interactions.
• Classes run from 60 to 90 minutes depending on the topic and student questions.
• Small classes for maximum participation.
• Available international through your computer & VoIP, or phone access.
• Continue with other Chickeneers on a private (closed) Chickens and YOU FaceBook group.
• We strive to keep tuition affordable; targeted at about $20 per contact hour.
• Facilitated live by popular author & speaker Patricia Foreman and other expert guest Chickeneers
To arrange for courses in your area, scheduling & registration (540) 460-6459 or eMail: Training@ChickensAndYou.com